Hello world!


1 min read

Hey everyone!

This is my first post ever and I had already seen several good things about this platform and the way it makes easy for developers to get started writing blog posts.

I was convinced by a friend of mine to open my Hashnode account and to start posting even if it's just my experience learning things.

After a lot of time convincing me, here I am hehe ๐Ÿ˜…

I'm not very good at writing so I think I can start improving and maybe learn more from others.

I guess I'll start writing about what I'm learning in order to become much better and finally get a job working full time as a frontend developer.

Because I enjoy building user interfaces and things that are visual more than any other stuff but there's like a lot of things to learn and several things in tech that are interesting so just picking one thing and focusing on that is a real challenge hahaha ๐Ÿ˜…

I think that's it for now I don't know what else to write hehehe

If you by any chance read this... then thanks!

Greetings to all.