Why I think Svelte is a step forward in developing for the web

Hey hey!

In case you missed it or wasn't aware, yesterday was the Svelte summit event sveltesummit.com

It was a day-long (like 8 hours or so) of talks by really smart people building really cool stuff with Svelte and also showing some of the things one can do very easily with an Svelte app.

There was sooooo many things one could learn from the talks and thankfully they're recorded because I'm gonna need to watch some of them a couple of times to maybe start getting into my head all the cool things that are possible to build with just a few lines of code.

Imagine making sites that are lightweight, very fast, like very optimized out of the box and it doesn't take a ton of time to build. Svelte is making that possible.

I'm not trying to bash on any other frameworks/libraries but for others out there you have to get acquainted with their quirks and ways of doing things, you may find it easy to build apps once you learned the framework and have a mental model already built.

For others looking from the outside it may not look that "natural" or simple to do, truth is we could just be making sites with HTML, CSS and some JS but there are several things we'll have to implement by ourselves and maintaining those sites once they grow can be very tiresome.

The good thing about Svelte is that you don't to invest a ton of time to learn how it works, like if you already know how to use HTML, CSS and JS, you already can start making applications right out of the gate with it.

Another really cool thing is that you don't even need to install anything or clone anything, you can start hacking away on the Svelte REPL and see how quick is to come up with something fully functioning that you can change the content, the styling and such right from the browser.

If you then are satisfied with your work, you can download the code as Svelte app that you can open in VSCode and run from the terminal to see it locally. It takes ideas from other frameworks to make development more enjoyable but doesn't put you extra stuff that you need to learn to use it.

I like that it uses a format similar to Vue components and it puts all your code right in single-file components, you don't have to do back and forth to understand how something works.

Also you can nest components and make use of them in different places and they will work provided that you pass in the proper information.

Check out the talks for yourself and see also all those things that can blow your mind (or at least pique your interest).

I was blown away by the fact that one doesn't need to pull in different additional JS libraries to make very cool-looking animations. You could probably spent 30 minutes reading and trying the different options of the animations in the Svelte docs and already be able to apply some of those in your apps!

I think the remaining excitement from yesterday was what lead me to be writing this post today hahaha but it's true however, that there are so many more options out there left to be explored.

I remember people in Youtube making videos doing comparisons of what framework to learn. "Should you use React or Vue? let's find out" and then proceed to point out the pros and cons of both tools.

I think the developers of Svelte paid careful attention to those and incorporated many of the pros of both frameworks and I'm yet to see the cons they could also have put in.

I think that was all that I wanted to say for now, something really cool to learn and to try and I feel again excited to learn an use JavaScript like I had before in college.

Thanks for reading everyone see ya!!!